Parent Involvement.

Parent Involvement

Governing Council

Governing council has an important role within Meadows Primary School that it brings to the Principal and the staff:

  • The views of parents towards the Site improvement Plan
  • The Annual Report
  • Inputting and ratifying new school policies,
  • Involving them in the decision-making in the school
  • Monitoring the progress of the budget
  • Overseeing Out of School Hours Care
  • Overseeing Parent Club and fundraising groups within the school
  • Reporting back to the community decisions made by Governing Council

Governing Council meets twice a term in Week 4 and 8 from 6:30-8:30.

Our Governing council is directed by an approved Constitution, and a Code of Practice.

Parent Club

Parent Club welcomes class representative volunteers to their twice termly meeting. Currently this group’s major function is organising fundraising and providing a service of activities for students i.e. disco, movie night, Mother’s-Father’s Day stall, Meadows Fair etc.


Voluntary workers make a significant contribution to the school community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others. Volunteers have a wide range of interests and abilities that complement school programs, thus providing a wider range of interactions and experiences for students. We acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable service of volunteers.

In order to become a volunteer at Meadows Primary School, applicants must complete an Induction to site, Working With Children Check and Response and Neglect to children online course. If you wish to be a volunteer, please see the front office in order to complete the process.

Current volunteer activities include:

  • Classroom support with literacy
  • Kids’ Kitchen (catering)
  • Parent Club
  • Governing Council
  • Resource Centre (library) assistance
  • Working bees